Example DB Server:
Example DB: company_live_prod
Default Schema: public
Other Schema: com_retail_store
Upon logging on postgres cli, default schema of public will take effect. The ff: will set to change the schema so you can check the tables under that other schema.
assuming that I am now login as postgres and able to access the db on default public schema.
company_live_prod=# \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | access_levels | table | xuser
public | to_for | table | xuser
public | super_hierarchy | table | xuser
public | sked01 | table | xuser
so that I can see the tables for the other schema, below command will do.
company_live_prod=# SET search_path TO com_retail_store;
ces_live_final=# \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
com_retail_store | com_assign_module | table | xuser
com_retail_store | com_cart | table | xuser
com_retail_store | com_category | table | xuser
com_retail_store | com_item_storage | table | xuser
com_retail_store | com_manual_upload | table | xuser
com_retail_store | com_point_metrics | table | xuser
(06 rows)
Default schema is now the none public schema.