Friday, April 19, 2013

MYSQL Securing users password

A note on securing users password using hash on mysql

Login inside mysql shell

once login, issue the command

select password('internet');

assuming internet is the clear password

result below for the command:

mysql> select password('internet');
| password('internet')                      |
| *797420C584EBF42750EB523104268BA0FD87FBC8 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)                

*797420C584EBF42750EB523104268BA0FD87FBC8 secure password that can be use

upon granting DB rights.

mysql> grant select,insert,update on dummy-db.* to 'testuser'@'%.%.%.%' identified by password '*797420C584EBF42750EB523104268BA0FD87FBC8';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query above will encrypt the defined password of user testuser on access to dummy-db and able to access from any remote ip. If you verify by using the mysql DB and select * from user;

| %.%.%.%            | testuser | *797420C584EBF42750EB523104268BA0FD87FBC8

 the cleartext password would be "internet".