Thursday, September 3, 2015

Some Backup script for postgresql 9.3 database - using parallel run

#Original Script Owner#

#by #CraigSanders                                                                                                                                                                 
#this script is public domain.  feel free to use or modify as you like.
## Modified by: yongitz and ohbet - 2015 of September
# to restore database from this backup
# Command is: /usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/pg_restore -j -Fd $DATA
# where data is the path of the backup /db/BACKUP/Date-of-backup/Database_Name-folder
# /usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/pg_restore -j -Fd /db/BACKUP/2015-09-04/database_folder
# See postgresql 9.3 manual page for details

# directory to save backups in, must be owned by postgres user
#Make some checking if backup folder is available

if ! ls $BASE_DIR > /dev/null 2>&1; then            
        echo "Backup directory $BASE_DIR does not exist. Backup processes terminated." | mail -s "!!! ALERT - BACKUP PROCESS FAILED @ DBSERVERXYZ !!!"
exit 1
#Create the Base Directory
YMD=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")
ls -l $BASE_DIR
mkdir -p $DIR
cd $DIR
# get list of databases in system , exclude the tempate db and other db not needed, db below are example only
DBS=$($PSQL -l -t | egrep -v 'template[01]|dbxyz|db2|db_warehouse' | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v '|'|grep -v '^$')
# now loop through each individual database
for database in $DBS; do
    # dump data
    if [ $database = db_live_final ]; then
    # Remarks: j8 = 8 parallel process to run: at 9.3 and above
    # Remarks: -N backup_tables and -N DBX_* are schema that are excluded on backup
     $PGDUMP -v -j8 -N backup_tables -N DBX_* -Fd -f $DATA $database
     $PGDUMP -v -j8 -Fd -f $DATA $database


#copy conf files currently used.
cp /db/pgsql/9.3/data/*.conf $DIR/

#Create readme for restore
cat < $DIR/Restore_readme.txt
To restore database from this backup
Use Command:
/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/pg_restore -j -Fd /path/to/backup/folder/per/db/name
where data is the path of the backup /db/BACKUP/Date-of-backup/Database_Name-folder
Sample Below:
/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/pg_restore -j -Fd /db/BACKUP/2015-09-04/database_folder
See postgresql 9.3 manual page for further details

# delete backup files older than 30 days
OLD=$(find $BASE_DIR -type d -mtime +30)
if [ -n "$OLD" ] ; then
        echo deleting old backup files: $OLD
        echo $OLD | xargs rm -rf

Then save this as bash script and put on a cron to run daily.